Tuesday, May 31, 2011


In this assignment I have looked at celebrity culture and the insane fascination we have with celebrities; always wanting to know their every move no matter how ordinary it is. Reading about them in magazines and following them on social networking sites like twitter just to hear they had a coffee from Starbucks that morning.
By using photomontage I was able to create an image that puts emphasis on this idea. Using paparazzi photo's from magazines and online gossip sites that reflect and portray this idea of constantly being watched. I chose to contrast this with animal enclosures, playing on the similarities between the way we watch animals at the Zoo and way we watch Celebrities.
The four photograph's in the series each display different mundane activities we commonly see Celebrities doing, whether it be drinking coffee, out with their children. exercising or relaxing at the beach. I have carefully chosen the background enclosures enhance each these activities and also replicate the animals who originally occupied the space, such as the Bears wandering around exploring new things, the Baboons sitting in separate little groups, the Meerkats scattered around each doing their own thing, and the giraffe's constantly walking back and forth along the path in a circuit.
I arranged the final series so the background enclosures in each photo link together unifying the images creating visual flow across the series.

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